Frank Chimero is a talented graphic designer from Missouri, with a particular knack (as far as I see) blending wholesome goodness and bits of humor into nostalgic designs. This post features one of his series ‘Inspirational Design Posters’:
I decided to embark on creating some “inspirational” posters aimed specifically at designers. The topics range from various truisms I’ve discovered about the field in the past few years to snarky tongue-in-cheek comments. I think we designers spend an awful lot of time talking to ourselves, and I consider this my contribution to the monologue.
I quite like how most of his posters are simple and well-proportioned juxtaposition of just a few elements – and there’s no harm having these to inspire you.
Creative Profession
Ignore People
Big Ideas
Proposed Creative Workflow
Making Design
That Idea
Life is Fun
Concerned with People
Human Being