Like some creative outlets for your videomaking talents? Google has launched a rather interesting video campaign inviting people worldwide to join in imagining how interesting can an ‘M-velope’ (Gmail’s icon) be, when it is passed from the left to the right of the screen in 10 seconds:
Help us imagine how an email message travels around the world. Take a look at the collaborative video we started, and then film what happens next. We’ll rotate a selection of the clips we receive on this page, and add the best ones to the video. The final video will be featured on the Gmail homepage and seen by users worldwide.
All it takes is a video camera, the Gmail M-velope (
), and some creativity.
Submit your clip by August 13th, 2007 to be considered for the final collaborative video.
I certainly foresee all the bizarre and the interesting: perhaps we’d see the M-velope crossing Antarctica, passed by pet otters, or other wild adventures along the line. It’s definitely a great marketing trick by Google, utilizing Youtube (which they own) – it’s engaging and it’s great publicity for their brands. Clever!