This, I guess is what happens when a mega-billion dollar company folds and files for bankcruptcy. Artist GV Raymond has a habit of painting a portrait picture of a popular figure and letting others comment on it with markers:
The idea behind the series is to paint the subject during a particularly interesting or controversial moment in time and then offer passersby a chance to comment on the surface of the canvas.
And what better time than now for President of Lehman Brothers Richard Fuld, the person who led Lehman Brothers into bankruptcy after 158 years of operation. A venue to vent – though the frustration and exasperation experienced by Lehman employees could probably not be worth the ‘I-told-you-so’s scribbled on the canvas. Honestly though, I thought it’d be a lot more vulgar or explosive, but all in all the annotations still look comparatively tame, I think.
This could just be the only Lehman derivatives that is worth something.
[High Resolution version]