Wall Street Bull – with Golden Balls™

Wall Street Bull with Golden Balls

This is the Wall Street Bull. Weighing a hefty 3200kg, the bronze sculpture was created by sculptor Arturo Di Modica as his testament to the vitality of American capitalism following the 1987 stock market crash. He made it at his personal cost, and had it placed (illegally) in front of the New York Stock Exchange as a form of guerrilla art. Although the police had responded by seizing the sculpture, they eventually reinstalled it some blocks away following a public outcry.

It is now a tourist destination in New York’s Financial District, symbolizing the aggressive financial optimism and prosperity as suggested by the bull’s eager stance, as if ready to charge. And now, the golden question:

Why does the Wall Street Bull sport a pair of particularly shiny, golden, erm, balls? Could it be that the artist intended the reproductive anatomy to symbolize the reserve from which the bull draws its vitality? For good fengshui?

It turns out that, it is simply due to human behavior – particularly, tourist behaviors. Touching, fondling, or otherwise rubbing the bull’s nuts have become a de-facto photo-op, much like how you’d see hordes of people stretching out their hands to “hold” Pisa Tower. With that much fondling, the balls are certainly glistening and basking in flash-accompanied glory.


Jumping over 14 people

With all due respect to the incredibly athletic people in the video,  this short clip made me chuckle as it reminded me of performing animals like those you’d find in Underwater World or something – where the stunt would eventually be greeted by polite applause and a little treat from the trainer.

But 14 people is really quite a long distance.

Before the Music Dies

Following hot on the heels of the Dove commercial showing the before-and-after of a model (through make-up, Photoshop touch ups, etc), some people have exposed some of the techniques used to create and market a pop star.

You don’t need musical talents to pen songs – someone can take care of that. Can’t sing, or tone deaf? Sound engineers will fix that. Just someone (probably armed with market research on what the market wants, and loads of cash) who’s willing to make you a star, and you are on your way. Packaged, artificial and hollow.

Urban Sprinting – Balls of Steel

This guy gets his thrill by outrunning security guards – he would take an item from a shop, makes sure that it gets noticed, and then it’s all.. RUN!! to shake off the often-not-as-fast guards. It reminds me of games like Need for Speed: Most Wanted. In that game, you shake off legions of police car chase – though the more police on your tail, the higher your street cred. This guy seems to be going for some similar action too.

And of course, there are also times where he’d get busted (check out 2:00)

Lasse Gjertsen – Piano Drum Amateur

Edison said, genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Lasse Gjertsen from Norway, decided that he’d like to (at least seem to be able to) play the piano and the drums. The normal person’s way to do it through Edison’s motto would be: to learn the instruments and practice like there’s no tomorrow. Lasse decided that he’d pay his perspiration dues in another way – massively timeline-editing clips of him playing the instruments. No matter how music-dumb you are, you can definitely hit just one note.  And if you edit the clips of various notes together, voila, you get music!

Greg Kennedy – Juggling in a Cone

Juggling – well someone throws stuff up the air, catches them again, and again, and again. Most of the time it’s the same old same old: the variations are usually either in the props used (clubs, balls, knifes, etc.), as the spectators become more awed as the number of props increase. But there’s little surprise. So how do you break out of this mold?

The answer by Greg Kennedy was simple – make a mold and put yourself in it! He ‘juggles’ inside an transparent, inverted cone in the video above. In other routines, he also juggles with other geometrical shapes – perhaps inspired by his background as a professional engineer. He’d really need to spice up his performance with some cool music though. Right now, it’s just monotonous, hypnotic sound from the rolling of the balls that sounds more like someone blowing directly into the microphone.